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Joined: Jan 18, 2004
Posts: 236
TERRIBLE job to the officials of those matches. How could you hit Plucknette for stalling and not hit Lyons who was playing the edge of the mat like his life depended on it? And for letting Naewujo (spelling) get away with stalling for that whole match is disgusting. Coty Hayes will have the rest of his life to remember that match which he should have won. I'd also like to say two thumbs up for the ref who overturned the no takedown call in the Plucknette-Lyons match. Way to show some initiative and give points where they are deserved. Also to Geneva parents and fans: You disgust me, booing a teenager at a high school wrestling event. Look at yourselves, you've disgraced your town and made yourselves look like fools. It's sickening to see grown men booing a seventeen or eighteen year old kid who did NOTHING wrong, but BEAT YOUR WRESTLER!

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Posts: 122
CA and Brockport were right there booing just as loud as Geneva. Shameful! Its HS wrestling!

Joined: Mar 8, 2004
Posts: 1039
Location: Spencerport
Well said Notsotuff! As bad as the calls were thank goodness Jared had it in him to take the match into his own hands and score the final takedown. As for the booing what can you say, it shows a total lack of class, and character. What a thing to go home and be proud of, you booed the only wrestler who eared all his points in the match.

Joined: Oct 7, 2004
Posts: 41
They were booing the Ref. Even though I thought it was inappropriate to boo again when the kid was getting his award, I'm sure it was for the ref.

Joined: Aug 3, 2004
Posts: 545
The ref wasnt out there getting the medal.......

Joined: Jan 3, 2004
Posts: 61
The ref deserved the medal, maybe they can exchange it every month-sharing in the award is important when you shared the win.

Joined: Feb 28, 2005
Posts: 11
You are right, it's one thing to boo a ref's bad call but booing the wrestler is wrong and hopefully we'll all remember not to let it carry over again. As a Brockport parent I'm ashamed to say I caught myself about to boo when the young man accepted his award. I know I'm not the only one who caught themselves. I know I'll never let myself forget it.

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Posts: 122
Yeah thats it...they were booing the ref. Plucknette being from Spencerport probably had nothing to do with it. Did you see the CA and B'Port fans? They were booing like crazed lunatics. CA had a nice night, so did Brockport. Nowhere in our Spencerport section of fans/parents did we berate their wrestlers award presentation or victory. I would attribute the boos in part to a close call, bust mostly to pent up jealousy and frustration for the years of losing to Spencerport in duals/tournaments.

Joined: Feb 28, 2005
Posts: 11
nuff said. I won't trade digs just because my school colors are different.
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