matBURN » Events » Monroe County League Championships
Monroe County League Wrestling Championships

Wrestling Tournament
@ Rush-Henrietta High School (Henrietta, New York)
Friday-Saturday, February 23-24, 1973

Clark Barnard lifts Ron Brongo
Clark Barnard lifts Ron Brongo
Hilton's Clark Barnard lifts Spencerport's Ron Brongo off the mat. SOURCE: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Sunday, February 25, 1973. Reproduced by with permission.

Album: General

Clark Barnard lifts Ron Brongo Rangers Lead County Meet Upsets Dominate County Wrestling Bomber Matmen Eye County Match

Varsity (Level: Scholastic, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
Brighton [NY], Brockport [NY], Churchville-Chili [NY], East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY], East Rochester [NY], Fairport [NY], Gates Chili [NY], Greece Arcadia [NY], Greece Athena [NY], Greece Olympia [NY], Hilton [NY], Irondequoit [NY], Penfield [NY], Pittsford [NY], Rush-Henrietta [NY], Spencerport [NY], Webster [NY]
Team Final
1. Spencerport [NY]  134.5 points
2. East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]  108
3. Gates Chili [NY]  73
4. Hilton [NY]  67.5
5. East Rochester [NY]  56.5
6. Pittsford [NY]  56
7. Churchville-Chili [NY]  45
8. Irondequoit [NY]  44
9. Greece Athena [NY]  36
10. Rush-Henrietta [NY]  33
11. Webster [NY]  31.5
12. Penfield [NY]  22
13. Greece Arcadia [NY]  14
14. Greece Olympia [NY]  12
15. Brockport [NY]  10.5
Fairport [NY]  10.5
17. Brighton [NY]  5.5
Award Winners
Outstanding Wrestler Award: Frank Martello (Greece Athena [NY], 126 lbs)
Championship Final (1st)
98 lbs: Ron Brongo (Spencerport [NY]) > Clark Barnard (Hilton [NY]), DEC 4-0
105 lbs: Roy Spring (East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]) > Chris Bourne (East Rochester [NY]), DEC 11-7
112 lbs: Shane Cook (Rush-Henrietta [NY]) > Scott Court (Churchville-Chili [NY]), DEC 7-5
119 lbs: Tom Mandara (Gates Chili [NY]) > Dave Polsinelli (East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]), DEC 3-2
126 lbs: Frank Martello (Greece Athena [NY]) > Lou Brongo (Spencerport [NY]), DEC 6-5
132 lbs: Pete Kundin (Irondequoit [NY]) > Bob DiBaudo (Penfield [NY]), OTD 1-0 (1OT)
138 lbs: Frank DeAngelis (Spencerport [NY]) > Rick Lembo (East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]), DEC 5-1
145 lbs: Jeff Freedman (East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]) > Steve Wark (Gates Chili [NY]), DEC 9-5
155 lbs: Clayton Barnard (Hilton [NY]) > Craig Cody (Churchville-Chili [NY]), DEC 2-0
167 lbs: Gary Baxter (Spencerport [NY]) > Greg Clark (Pittsford [NY]), DEC 10-6
177 lbs: Rich McPhee (East Rochester [NY]) > Mike Macaluso (Gates Chili [NY]), DEC 4-3
215 lbs: Brad Roth (East Irondequoit Eastridge [NY]) > Dan Murphy (Greece Olympia [NY]), FALL 5:38
250 lbs: Pat Cotturone (Greece Athena [NY]) > Don Verni (East Rochester [NY]), FALL 5:28


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