matBURN » Events » Genesee Region League Wrestling Championships
7th Annual Genesee-Orleans League Wrestling Championships (Class B-C)

Wrestling Tournament
@ Alexander Central School (Alexander, New York)
Monday-Wednesday, March 5-7, 1956

Alexander Wins 8 Mat Matches
Alexander Wins 8 Mat Matches
Coach Ray Dougherty's Alexander Central School wrestlers Wednesday evening won eight matches in the Genesee-Orleans League Tournament. SOURCE: Buffalo Evening News, March 8, 1956. Reproduced by with permission.

Album: General

Alexander Wins 8 Mat Matches Ken Cross Alexander's Team Gains Mat Finals Alexander Matmen Win County Title, Cop Eight Events

Varsity (Level: Scholastic, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
Alden [NY], Alexander [NY], Holley [NY], Kendall [NY], NYS School for the Blind [NY]
Team Final
1. Alexander [NY]  113 points
2. NYS School for the Blind [NY]  54
3. Alden [NY]  39
4. Kendall [NY]  37
5. Holley [NY]  20
Championship Final (1st)
95 lbs: Ed Harrington (NYS School for the Blind [NY]) > William Biggins (Alexander [NY]), DEC score?
103 lbs: Paul Glor (Alexander [NY]) > Ken Rebman (Alden [NY]), DEC score?
112 lbs: Alton Beechler (Alexander [NY]), FFT 
120 lbs: Paul Ilg (Alexander [NY]) > Ed Mabon (Alden [NY]), FALL time?
127 lbs: Paul Levins (Alexander [NY]) > Vic Bourgine (NYS School for the Blind [NY]), DEC score?
133 lbs: David Townsend (Alexander [NY]) > Savory (Kendall [NY]), FALL time?
145 lbs: Lee Garigen (Alexander [NY]) > Harry Hill (Alden [NY]), DEC score?
154 lbs: Kenneth Cross (NYS School for the Blind [NY]) > Bob Fouchie (Alexander [NY]), DEC score?
165 lbs: Ken Wilson (NYS School for the Blind [NY]) > Ernest Humel (Alexander [NY]), FALL time?
175 lbs: Stanley Staba (Alexander [NY]) > Petroline (Holley [NY]), DEC score?
UNL: James Seward (Alexander [NY]) > John Naab (Alden [NY]), FALL time?
Championship Semifinals
95 lbs: William Biggins (Alexander [NY]) > Bill Horrigan (Alden [NY]), DEC score?
103 lbs: Ken Rebman (Alden [NY]) > Estes Furness (Kendall [NY]), FALL time?
120 lbs: Paul Ilg (Alexander [NY]) > Gene McAllister (Holley [NY]), FALL time?
127 lbs: Paul Levins (Alexander [NY]) > Glen Kegler (Alden [NY]), DEC score?
133 lbs: Savory (Kendall [NY]) > Charles Davis (NYS School for the Blind [NY]), FALL time?
133 lbs: David Townsend (Alexander [NY]) > John Eastwood (Alden [NY]), FALL time?
145 lbs: Harry Hill (Alden [NY]) > Charles Hunt (Kendall [NY]), FALL time?
145 lbs: Lee Garigen (Alexander [NY]) > Francis McAllister (Holley [NY]), DEC score?
154 lbs: Bob Fouchie (Alexander [NY]) > John Suhr (Kendall [NY]), FALL time?
165 lbs: Ken Wilson (NYS School for the Blind [NY]) > Charles Bolton (Kendall [NY]), FALL time?
165 lbs: Ernest Humel (Alexander [NY]) > Bob Anstett (Alden [NY]), FALL time?

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