matBURN » Events » Sweet Home Invitational Tournament
32nd Annual Joe Shifflet Sweet Home Wrestling Invitational

Wrestling Tournament
@ Sweet Home High School (Amherst, New York)
Friday-Saturday, January 30-31, 2004

Metzler, Smith secure titles at Sweet Home
Metzler, Smith secure titles at Sweet Home
Two of the four Warriors still alive Saturday at the Sweet Home Tournament went on to win titles. SOURCE: Salamanca Press, Monday, February 2, 2004.

Album: General

Metzler, Smith secure titles at Sweet Home

Varsity (Level: Scholastic, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
Akron [NY], Albion [NY], Hamburg [NY], Iroquois [NY], Lake Shore [NY], Lancaster [NY], Medina [NY], Newfane [NY], Olean [NY], Pioneer [NY], Ripley [NY], Salamanca [NY], St. Francis [NY], Sweet Home [NY], Tonawanda [NY], Wayne [NY], West Seneca East [NY], Williamsville South [NY]
Team Final
1. Wayne [NY]  286 points
2. Iroquois [NY]  194
3. Albion [NY]  154
4. Lancaster [NY]  148
5. Salamanca [NY]  129
6. Pioneer [NY]  106.5
7. Newfane [NY]  102.5
8. Tonawanda [NY]  99
9. Ripley [NY]  77.5
10. Hamburg [NY]  63
11. West Seneca East [NY]  61.5
12. Medina [NY]  58
13. Olean [NY]  54.5
14. Sweet Home [NY]  53.5
15. Akron [NY]  52
16. Lake Shore [NY]  47
17. St. Francis [NY]  43.5
18. Williamsville South [NY]  29
Award Winners
Outstanding Wrestler Award: Mike Sanders (Albion [NY], 130 lbs)
Championship Final (1st)
96 lbs: Matt Metzler (Salamanca [NY]) > Mark Lewandowski (Lancaster [NY]), DEC 4-3
103 lbs: Matt Mariacher (Iroquois [NY]) > Bryan Drzewucki (Hamburg [NY]), TF 17-2/time?
112 lbs: Dennis Brown (Lake Shore [NY]) > Mike Crane (Medina [NY]), DEC 5-3
119 lbs: Lucas Mariacher (Iroquois [NY]) > Andy Wienckowski (Lancaster [NY]), FALL 5:49
125 lbs: Andrew Stella (Sweet Home [NY]) > Josh Patterson (Wayne [NY]), DEC 3-2
130 lbs: Mike Sanders (Albion [NY]) > Luke Baum (Wayne [NY]), UTB 2-1
135 lbs: Nate Patterson (Wayne [NY]) > Steve Pancio (Olean [NY]), FALL 3:09
140 lbs: Tyrell Riley (Iroquois [NY]) > Alex Pagan (Wayne [NY]), DEC 4-2
145 lbs: Brandon Monin (Lancaster [NY]) > Brandon Kopacz (Iroquois [NY]), SV 5-0 (1OT)
152 lbs: K.C. Colling (Pioneer [NY]) > Justin Gilbert (Ripley [NY]), DEC 6-2
160 lbs: Ryan Lamagra (Wayne [NY]) > Jordan Alejandro (Tonawanda [NY]), DEC 7-2
171 lbs: Joe Zaso (Wayne [NY]) > Brian Craig (Iroquois [NY]), DEC 7-0
189 lbs: Kane Smith (Salamanca [NY]) > Mike Johnson (Wayne [NY]), DEC 12-6
215 lbs: Matt Gartler (Iroquois [NY]) > Stephen Donnelly (Albion [NY]), DEC 3-1
275 lbs: A.J. Haak (Wayne [NY]) > Chris Smith (St. Francis [NY]), DEC 5-4
Consolation Final (3rd)
96 lbs: Steve Singley (Wayne [NY]) > Ryan Marcheson (Iroquois [NY]), FALL 2:13
103 lbs: Brad Werth (Newfane [NY]) > A.J. Wheeler (Salamanca [NY]), DEC 7-2
112 lbs: Dale Converse (Lancaster [NY]) > Brad Martin (Newfane [NY]), MD 13-1
119 lbs: Mike Gresh (Ripley [NY]) > Don Battaglia (Lake Shore [NY]), DEC 10-5
125 lbs: Shea Anzivine (Olean [NY]) > Reece Mariacher (Iroquois [NY]), DEC 3-2
130 lbs: Matt Fildes (West Seneca East [NY]) > Charlie Westfall (Pioneer [NY]), DEC 4-0
135 lbs: Emil Westfall (Pioneer [NY]) > Travis Hammer (Lancaster [NY]), DEC 7-0
140 lbs: Dan Klonowski (Akron [NY]) > Jeremy Stopa (Newfane [NY]), FFT 
145 lbs: Adam Rush (Albion [NY]) > Jon Jacobson (Salamanca [NY]), DEC 9-8
152 lbs: Justin Hoag (Salamanca [NY]) > Casey Hegedorn (Wayne [NY]), DEC 4-2
160 lbs: Adam Lake (Albion [NY]) > Justin Olesky (Lancaster [NY]), DEC 12-8
171 lbs: Jared Jacobson (Salamanca [NY]) > Josh Shouldice (Hamburg [NY]), DEC 2-1
189 lbs: Nathan Gold (Tonawanda [NY]) > Joe Sidari (Medina [NY]), FALL 1:49
215 lbs: Grant Gurnett (Wayne [NY]) > Erik Herbert (Tonawanda [NY]), DEC 5-1
275 lbs: Brian Pollock (Newfane [NY]) > Marvin Thompson (Albion [NY]), FALL 2:08
Consolation Final (5th)
96 lbs: Steve Lovewell (Newfane [NY]) > Trent Johnston (Ripley [NY]), DEC 2-1
103 lbs: Mike Roselli (Wayne [NY]) > Logan Collins (Ripley [NY]), DEC 4-0
112 lbs: Vince Bianchi (Wayne [NY]) > Nic Stella (Sweet Home [NY]), MD 10-2
119 lbs: Bryan Orcutt (Olean [NY]) > Steve Crane (Medina [NY]), FALL 3:42
125 lbs: Scott Johnston (Ripley [NY]) > Rob Neal (Tonawanda [NY]), TF 15-0/time?
130 lbs: Chris Snyder (Akron [NY]) > Rob Weiner (Iroquois [NY]), FFT 
135 lbs: Cody Chappius (Albion [NY]) > Hans Warner (Williamsville South [NY]), FFT 
140 lbs: Sam Pawlowski (Lancaster [NY]) > John McNulty (West Seneca East [NY]), MD 9-0
145 lbs: Scott Prinsen (Wayne [NY]) > Zach Shouldice (Hamburg [NY]), DEC 9-2
152 lbs: Greg Thomson (Williamsville South [NY]) > Archie Owrey (Sweet Home [NY]), FALL 4:21
160 lbs: Charlie Dimon (West Seneca East [NY]) > Tim Myers (Hamburg [NY]), DEC 2-0
171 lbs: Matt Allport (Albion [NY]) > Matt Schrimmel (Lancaster [NY]), DEC 10-3
189 lbs: Howie Daggs (Albion [NY]) > Brett Holmes (Pioneer [NY]), FALL 1:58
215 lbs: Alex Otto (Newfane [NY]) > D.J. Stanbro (Pioneer [NY]), SV 5-3 (1OT)
275 lbs: Corey Mentel (West Seneca East [NY]) > Jesse Plotner (Tonawanda [NY]), DEC 8-1


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