matBURN » Events » Pioneer Duals
Union Concrete Pioneer Duals

Wrestling Dual Meet Event
@ Pioneer High School (Yorkshire, New York)
Friday-Saturday, December 13-14, 2024

Hilton #1
Hilton #1
Hilton took home the championship belt at the Pioneer Duals. Cadet Jon Testa won the OW. Photos shared by Pioneer Wrestling.

Album: General

Hilton #1 Outstanding Wrestler

Varsity (Level: Scholastic, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
East Aurora [NY], Gowanda [NY], Hilton [NY], Letchworth [NY], Orchard Park [NY], Pioneer [NY], St. Francis [NY]
Team Standings
1. Hilton [NY], 6-0
2. Letchworth [NY], 5-1

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