matBURN » Events » Monroe Community College [NY] vs. Niagara County Community College [NY]
Monroe Community College [NY] vs. Niagara County Community College [NY]

Wrestling Dual Meet
@ Niagara County Community College (Sanborn, New York)
Tuesday, February 13, 1979

Hollywood ending gives wrestlers Penn-York title
Hollywood ending gives wrestlers Penn-York title
Thirty-six seconds into the 3rd and final period, Willie turned their guy over. Once he got him on his back, it was all over. SOURCE: The Monroe Doctrine, Monroe Community College, March 1, 1979.

Album: General

Hollywood ending gives wrestlers Penn-York title Willie Nesmith Final pin stops upset bid Monroe Matmen Defeat NCCC

Varsity - Penn-York Conference (Level: Collegiate, Style: Folkstyle)

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