matBURN » Events » Hobart College [NY] vs. University of Rochester [NY]
Hobart College [NY] vs. University of Rochester [NY]

Wrestling Dual Meet
@ Hobart College (Geneva, New York)
Wednesday, March 4, 1959

Wrestlers Downed By Yellowjackets
Wrestlers Downed By Yellowjackets
On the evening of March 4, the Statesmen of Hobart hosted the Yellowjackets of Rochester and put up their best effort of the short wrestling season, going down to defeat by the score of 26-8. SOURCE: The (Hobart) Herald, March 13, 1959.

Album: General

Wrestlers Downed By Yellowjackets Hobart Matmen Close Season UR Wrestlers Rout Hobart for 2nd Time in 26-8 Test

Varsity (Level: Collegiate, Style: Folkstyle)
Box Scores
University of Rochester [NY] 26, Hobart College [NY] 8
123 lbs: Dave Mickel (University of Rochester [NY]), FFT 
130 lbs: Ken McNair (University of Rochester [NY]) > Jim Stirling (Hobart College [NY]), DEC 5-0
137 lbs: John Eckert (University of Rochester [NY]) > Fred Hartman (Hobart College [NY]), FALL 4:00
147 lbs: Pete Tinsley (Hobart College [NY]) > Noah Klein (University of Rochester [NY]), DEC 12-5
157 lbs: Fred Ottley (University of Rochester [NY]) > Craig Cummings (Hobart College [NY]), DEC 7-2
167 lbs: Carl Primavera (University of Rochester [NY]) > Ralph Bott (Hobart College [NY]), FALL 8:45
177 lbs: Donald Haefele (University of Rochester [NY]) > Burt Klinger (Hobart College [NY]), FALL 5:15
HWT: John Metcalf (Hobart College [NY]) > Tom McGuire (University of Rochester [NY]), FALL 4:00

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