matBURN » Events » AAU Niagara District Wrestling Championships
AAU Niagara District Wrestling Championships

Wrestling Tournament
@ Central YMCA of Rochester (Rochester, New York)
Friday, March 19, 1926

Niagara A.A.U. of U.S. Wrestling Championships
Niagara A.A.U. of U.S. Wrestling Championships
Central Y.M.C.A. Gym, 100 Gibbs St. SOURCE: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, March 19, 1926. Reproduced by with permission.

Album: General

Niagara A.A.U. of U.S. Wrestling Championships 'Y' Grapplers Score Victory In Mat Bouts Mat Men Will Seek Titles In Meet To-Night Normal Wrestlers Make Good Record

Senior (Level: Club/Other, Style: Freestyle)

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