matBURN » Events » AAU Niagara District Wrestling Championships
AAU Niagara District Wrestling Championships

Wrestling Tournament
@ Central YMCA of Buffalo (Buffalo, New York)
Saturday, March 26, 1921

Central Y Has A Strong Wrestling Card On Tonight
Central Y Has A Strong Wrestling Card On Tonight
S. C. Patterson, 135-pound class, in Niagara association A.A.U. championships at the Central Y. SOURCE: The Buffalo Express, March 26, 1921.

Album: The Buffalo Express

Central Y Has A Strong Wrestling Card On Tonight Classic For The Amateur Matmen In This Vicinity Tonight Closes Entries For The Wrestling Bouts Fine Wrestling On Central's Mat

Album: Buffalo Courier

Pressmark Among First To Enter For Wrestling Classic Entries For Niagara A. A. U. Wrestling Titles Close Tonight Bishop, Of Penn, Latest Entrant, Holds Entry List Open Weber, Winner In Rochester Meet, To Compete Here Wrestlers Strive for A. A. U. Title at Y. M. C. A. Tonight Bishop and Weber Y Grappler Stars

Album: The Buffalo Commercial

Central Y Plans Mat Tournament Entries For Mat Tourney Close Today Wrestling Bouts Saturday at Y Amateurs Wrestle Saturday at Y Crack Amateur Wrestlers at Y Tonight

Album: The Buffalo Enquirer

Niagara Associations Amateur Titles Will Be Staged at Central Y Gym Championships of Niagara A. A. U. District Will Take Place at Central Y Star Grapplers Wrestlers Will Clash Tonight

Album: The Buffalo News

Weber, Cornell Mat Artists, Here Tomorrow Wrestling Stars On Mat Tonight Weber Iron Man In Wrestling Tournament

Album: The Buffalo Times

Mat Classic On Bishop Enters Y Wrestling Tourney Weber, Bishop Mat Champions

Album: The Buffalo American

Bishop and Webster Y Grappler Stars

Open (Level: Club/Other, Style: Folkstyle)
Participating Teams
American Legion (Buffalo) [NY], Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY], Central YMCA of Rochester [NY], Elks Lodge (Lockport) [NY], Genesee YMCA (Buffalo) [NY]
Team Final
No team scores reported.
Championship Final (1st)
115 lbs: Walter Switzer (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Joseph Huber (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), FALL 0:53
125 lbs: D. E. Weaver (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Snyder (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), FALL 4:55
135 lbs: T. A. Horton (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Felix Dayton (American Legion (Buffalo) [NY]), FALL 2:52
145 lbs: Richard Weber (Central YMCA of Rochester [NY]) > Hannes Jacobson (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), TD 15:00
158 lbs: Robert C. Bishop (Elks Lodge (Lockport) [NY]) > Richard Weber (Central YMCA of Rochester [NY]), DFLT time?
175 lbs: Robert C. Bishop (Elks Lodge (Lockport) [NY]) > Leon Bruchez (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), TD 9:00
HWT: Leon Bruchez (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Sherwood (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), FALL 5:58
True Second (2nd)
125 lbs: S. S. Rauf (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Snyder (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), FALL 2:19
145 lbs: Hannes Jacobson (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Nick DiAddario (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]), TD 9:00
HWT: Sherwood (Central YMCA of Buffalo [NY]) > Anderson (Central YMCA of Rochester [NY]), NA 

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